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/ The 7 Deadly Sins of Recruiting

The 7 Deadly Sins of Recruiting

Aug 30, 2019 |
Employers,  |
Mitchell Riley |

Recruiting may seem like a walk in the park but it’s actually a high stakes profession. That’s because choosing the wrong candidate can cost your organization some big bucks. Research shows that losing one employee can cost a business around twice as much as that employee’s salary!

Plus, when it comes to the millennial candidate market, you’ll find plenty of employees wanting to quit their jobs without much reason.

Point being, the smallest recruitment mistakes can cause you and your company to suffer big time. If you’re working for a restoration company, that’s a risk you cannot afford to take.

Here are some common hiring mistakes—or as we at OPS Staffing like to call them; the 7 deadly sins of the recruitment world!

  • 1.) Slow response to ideal candidates
    So, you’ve finally found the perfect candidate to fit the job description and they’re ready to join you after completing their 30-day notice period. Sounds like your job is done now, right?


    Just because you’ve already extended an offer to the candidate doesn’t mean they’re actually going to show up or stick around past the first day. You need to ensure that you stay in touch with them throughout their notice period!
  • 2.) Forgetting about rejected candidates
    They’ve been rejected, right? Why pay any more attention to them? Not every candidate that’s been rejected has been so because of their performance or lack of credentials. Sometimes, they’re not a fit for the job at that given time but if you go back to them, you might find them having gained more experience and in perfect circumstance to work with you! Make sure you keep a database of all promising candidates and reach out to them when you’ve got vacancies.
  • 3.) Focusing on standardized hiring processes
    Recruitment, just like any other industry has its fair share of trends. Clichéd hiring processes aren’t always the most efficient. Remember to adapt to your current surrounding and the changing face of your local industry. Your HR team will thank you for introducing innovations like virtual reality to sift through thousands of qualified applicants!
  • 4.) Having an understaffed recruitment team
    Companies rarely invest in full-fledge HR departments but that doesn’t mean recruitment has to be a one-person show. From setting up the job description and posting on career sites to conducting interviews, the hiring process can be pretty time-consuming. Cut down on the time and money you’re spending by adding more hands and eyes (and brains) to the mix!
  • 5.) Ignoring candidate feedback
    As hard as it is for employers to reject candidates, it’s probably worse to hear criticism from them. However, the mistake that many recruitment teams make is that they assume the criticism is only rooted in the applicant’s bitter experience of rejection. Take notes and you just might find out what went wrong with your questionnaire or interview panel and improve on it!
  • 6.) Trying to juggle multiple job promotion media
    Whether you’re posting about vacancies on social media or at premium recruitment sites, focus only on those where you know you can find the maximum number of talented candidates. Don’t waste time posting on a website that nobody really checks—get in touch with a recruitment agency you can trust to save you time and hassle!
  • 7.) Thinking the interviewers can wing it
    It’s equally important for interviewers to prepare for an interview as it is for a candidate. In industries like water, fire and disaster restoration services, there’s often a need to hold unstructured interviews so candidates can explain their behavioral tendencies, etc. However, if you’re not careful, you might just end up ruining the interview tempo and threaten a discrimination lawsuit against your company.

Taking interviews and performing recruitment tasks isn’t easy but you can always trust professionals at OPS Staffing to take care of it for you!

We are a premier recruitment agency that help water, fire, insurance and disaster restoration industries find top notch candidates throughout the year!

Call now at + 1 (888) 482-6019 and find your restoration company the best talent!

Posted: Aug 30, 2019
Posted by: Mitchell Riley
OPS Staffing | + 1 (888) 482-6019

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