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/ Attributes You Need as a Water Restoration Technician

Attributes You Need as a Water Restoration Technician

Jan 9, 2023 |
Employers,  |
Mitchell Riley |
An illustration of water flooding a home.

Plumbing supply system failures are the number one source of water loss. According to statistics, 14,000 people in the U.S. face a water damage emergency each day; therefore, the demand for water restoration technicians remains high. However, companies look for certain attributes when hiring employees to get technicians on board who provide the best value for their bucks. Let’s find out more!

Attributes You Need As A Water Restoration Technician

Water damage restoration jobs can vary from one contract to another. Some projects may require working in damaged environments with a mold infestation, while others have short deadlines. As a water damage restoration technician, you must develop a problem-solving mindset to navigate the intricacies involved in this job—but it’s not the only quality that matters. Here are three attributes you need as a water restoration technician to find success:

Experience And Knowledge

A young plumber holding a pipe.Clients prefer technicians with sound knowledge and specialized skills pertinent to water damage restoration; therefore, experienced technicians have a competitive edge over newbies. You can make up for your lack of experience by enrolling in a certification or training program. Once you’re certified, it will be easier for you to secure water damage restoration jobs.

Technical Expertise

Usually, most restoration jobs require quick responses to minimize the damage. Companies hire professionals with the expertise to mitigate water damage quickly. Therefore, you must gain expertise to quickly evaluate the problem and provide emergency services to curtail the client’s losses. You can obtain technical knowledge by working with an experienced professional or enrolling in a specialized certification.

Interpersonal skills

As a water restoration technician, you must possess sound Interpersonal skills. It’s one of the most unrecognized attributes that prevent many technicians from securing a job. Water restoration is a fast-paced job that requires careful planning and teamwork. It’s challenging, and a lot of things can go wrong, so you should be adaptable and able to communicate effectively with clients to find success. 

Remember, great customer service skills can go a long way.

If you’re looking to secure a water damage restoration job, reach out to OPS Staffing. We’re a professional job seekers platform that matches the right candidates with the right companies. Over the years, we’ve helped numerous technicians find water damage restoration jobs. Call at + 1 (888) 482-6019 to get started.

Posted: Jan 9, 2023
Posted by: Mitchell Riley
OPS Staffing | + 1 (888) 482-6019

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